♥♥ WeLcOmE...To My BlOg... ♥♥
Friday, March 27, 2009

oh..haha..long time ever post liao!
so how's it?r u fine?
hope everythings alright..
so miss me?haha..juz joking..
erm,now is the most important year..
in primary school..
hope everyone will leave sch by this year,
n no one will retain..
coz if retain,
will need 2 see evergreen's new principal..
possibly,by next year will change principal..
coz a principal will not always be principal everytime..
Mr Tan will be changed by this year o next year..
not that i say say..
but it's real..
abt 5-6 year will change one principal..
then hopefully we'll see who's e next by 2010!!
when we go back 2 look 4 ex-teachers..(2010)
haha..well,happy 4ever!!

♥-One FaiTh.

Friday, February 27, 2009

y havn't u all use this accoutn like that?
very sad one lehs..
hope that u all could come n use this acc...

♥-One FaiTh.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Its another year n abt 1 month had past....
there's lots to say..
Eg,the days during this 1 month...
Do well in this year!!Best Wishes...
Important yuear hor...everyone"

♥-One FaiTh.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

oh..goin to the end of this year...
goin to b pri6...
goin to leave the 3rd floor in Sch...
Quite sad lar,actually..
Coz next year hav PSLE n i dun like...
No one will like lar...
Coz its exam mah...

♥-One FaiTh.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Haha..Is it fun??
Hmmm...Who am i?
How u noe who i am?
Where do u gt clues?
did u ask Alex?Haha..

♥-One FaiTh.

haha..i kno who are you now..

♥-One FaiTh.

hi eveyone wazzup
wish you gd luck for
your exam

♥-One FaiTh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

how are all of u??
Hav many things to do??
Or wat?
Do anyone hav any
suggestion of wat to do
4 this 6 dayzz at home??
May anyone tell me wat
u will b doin at home
this 6 dayzz??
Coz i hav nothin to do..

♥-One FaiTh.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Exam already come but i cant play my PSP..
Ash, srry 4 wat happen that day..

♥-One FaiTh.

NOT stress at all relax~haha

♥-One FaiTh.

Monday, October 13, 2008

exams comin...
r u stress???

♥-One FaiTh.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

actually who are you man,,,
with no name..
this is not fun..
pllz tell me...

♥-One FaiTh.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

actually who are u ....
tell me to morrow plzzz\


♥-One FaiTh.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

haizz...exams comin round e corner...
but i'm not anxious at alll....
everytime like tat one...
unlike others,will anxious...
very odd 1 out leh...blahblah..

♥-One FaiTh.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Halo...everyone,are u playin games all this while?Hav fun!!

♥-One FaiTh.


--♥dO wRiTe ThInGs HeRe...♥--
Blahh. Blahh. =P
♥ About me ♥
-- ♥someone in 6 faith...♥ --

♥ LOVES ♥<3

-- ♥Anything! ^_^ I like to be loved.♥ --


-- ♥Something! ^_^ I hates be hated.♥ --


-- ♥I hav lots of wishes... ^_^ ♥ --

♥ Connect tewww: ♥

♥Class blog♥
♥Alex Lim♥
♥Darren Tan♥
♥James Lee♥
♥Wei Kai♥
♥Siew Wei 1♥
♥Siew Wei 2♥
♥Siew Wei 4♥
♥Siew Wei 5♥

♥designer -- Me♥


=]September 2008
=]October 2008
=]November 2008
=]January 2009
=]February 2009
=]March 2009

♥ I love 2 eat ice-cream. ♥


Like an angle